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How to Get Leads in My Business

Leads are the lifeblood of any great business…with a consistent flow of quality leads, we are able to refine our sales process and adapt our product / service at a greater rate.

But how do we generate leads?

Simply put…we send messages to databases and invite them into our sphere of influence.

There are a variety of ways that we can go about sending messages to people, but at the core foundational level…it really is as simple as that.

I absolutely love the book $100M Leads by Alex Hormozi. In the book, he shares his framework for generating leads. It was simplified in such a way that I felt it was best to share it with you here today. Here are the core 4 ways to get leads - according to Alex Hormozi:

  1. 1-2-1 Warm (Warm Outreach):

    1. Sending 1-2-1 messages to people who know you. This could be an email, text message, DM on social, phone call, direct mail letter, etc. Simply build out a database of people who already are connected with you and know who you are and send them messages. This list can be built from contacts in your phone, connections on LinkedIn, contacts in your email, and more. Think about everywhere you have communicated with people in the past and use this as the basis for creating your first outreach list.

  2. 1-2-1 Cold (Cold Outreach):

    1. Similar to warm outreach, cold outreach is still 1-2-1 messages to individuals via phone, text, email, etc. However, the main difference here is that we are now reaching out to an audience that doesn’t know who we are. This could be a list of names we created from various Facebook groups we are a part of, Chambers of Commerce, or even lists we have purchased from list brokers. The message will change due to the cold nature of the prospects, but the core methodology remains the same…send them a message and begin a conversation.

  3. 1-2-Many Warm:

    1. The most common example of a 1-2-Many Warm strategy is posting content on social media platforms. We have a database of people who know who we are. We take this audience and we send them a message as a group overall. Rather than a personalized 1-2-1 message, we are creating a message (content) that is meant to be consumed by the mass audience on the platform. This can also be done offline - the biggest example is a speaking engagement or presentation in front of your local Chamber, BNI, etc. An audience who knows who you are receiving a message as a group.

  4. 1-2-Many Cold:

    1. Similar to the previous strategy, this is a message sent to a group or mass audience…however, this time the audience doesn't know who we are. The best example of this is paid ads. Regardless of the platform, we are harnessing a database we do not own and sending them a message. Paid ads can be online (such as Google or Facebook) and offline (such as magazines, billboards, etc.). Mass audience message to people who do not know us…yet.

In each of the core four, the objective is simple - open the door to a conversation, build relationship and rapport, and move them to the natural next step in your marketing and sales funnel.

As we master each of the core four, we can then (according to Hormozi) start to create leverage by deploying others to do the core four on our behalf: Team, Clients (referrals), Agencies, and Affiliates.

For more information on each of these strategies and how to use others to create leverage, I highly recommend you check out Alex’s book $100M Leads.

When you look back at each of your current marketing and lead generation strategies, each will likely fall into one of the four categories above. I encourage you to take a moment and map out which strategies fit where so better clarify the focus and effort needed to increase your lead flow.

Remember, as we begin to level up our marketing, it is better to go deep first, then wide. Pick the few strategies that generate the greatest flow of qualified leads currently and maximize these first. Only once we have maxed out the capacity do we begin to scale up an additional channel. Focus and energy on things that work (the right things) will grow a business faster than trying to do everything.